Hamster ZIP Archiver is a tool for creating, editing and extracting archive files on your Windows PC. The program is packed with a user-friendly interface, helps you extract multiple types of archive files, supports drag-and-drop actions, and provides you with a comprehensive help manual.
This utility supports various types of input formats, such as ZIP, 7Z, ARJ, BZ2, TBZ, GZIP, DMG, LHA, HFS, ISO, RAR, CAB, and many others. A great thing is that you can check what's inside an archive file without extracting it. You can even remove or add new files to your archive. The program takes a very small amount of time to extract the imported archives, without slowing down your PC in the process.
As for creating archives, you can drag-and-drop as many files as you like over the tool's interface. You will have access to various output configurations including the option to encrypt the archive file.
Two aspects bother me about this program: it supports a few output formats when exporting archive files (ZIP and 7Z) and the fact that you need to update the utility after installing it in order to have access to its latest version.
If none of the aforementioned issues mean anything to you, then Hamster ZIP Archiver might be the perfect solution for managing your archive files. It's easy-to-use, works fast, and, unlike many of its competitors, comes without a price.